Monday, March 20, 2006

self-medicating made obvious


This is a classic case of cart before the horse-n, chicken before the egg-n.

From Schizophrenia. com

Use of street drugs (especially marijuana/hash/cannabis) have been linked with significantly increased probability of developing schizophrenia.

This link has been documented in over 30 different scientific studies (studies done mostly in the UK, Australia and Sweden) over the past 20 years. In one example, a study interviewed 50,000 members of the Swedish Army about their drug consumption and followed up with them later in life. Those who were heavy consumers of cannabis at age 18 were over 600% more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia over the next 15 years than those did not take it.

Experts estimate that between 8% and 13% of all schizophrenia cases are linked to marijuna / cannabis use during teen years.

Bullshit. They start smoking to make the shit quiet down. Isn't that obvious? And doesn't it work, at least in the short term? What happens when you take their shit away from them? Do they start acting like schizos then? Should we be taking it away then? What's worse? Smoking weed or gettting hooked on fucking expensive, possibly dangerous psychoactive pharms? Fucking a, don't you know nothing?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! Why can't anyone else see this is an effect/cause rather than cause/effect interpretation of the data? How many glaucoma patients using medicinal marijuana are suddenly “developing” schizophrenia? None, that’s how many because we are dealing with undiagnosed chemical imbalance.

Of course the Swedish army found evidence of “development” of schizophrenia in its soldiers. Their soldiers were all just entering the age range when schizophrenia and Bi-polar disorders finally manifest themselves fully. The distinctive chemical shift occurs most often between the ages of 17 and 28. As far as it goes, they should be including Bi-polar, OCD, and AD/ADHD (true ADD, not Lazy-Teachers-&-Parents-Blaming-Their-Failings-On-Chemical-Imbalance ADD) as additional effects of weed seeing as all four conditions center in the same region of the brain (interrelated) and are all often undiagnosed and self-medicated.

The other argument is that there has been a staggering increase in cases of Schizophrenia and Bi-polar today than even just thirty years ago and that there must be a cause, hence the witch hunt for a marijuana connection. The truth of the matter is two fold: First is the obvious stock answer of education, awareness, and subsequent increase in accurate diagnoses. But that doesn’t fully account for the numbers of crisis, hospitalizations, suicides, psychotic breaks and violent outbursts attributed to sufferers of one or both of these conditions. The second reason is more simple: a lack of coping mechanisms. In the last fifty years, our society has failed more and more thoroughly to successfully impart coping skills to their youth. In other words, the percentage of valid cases of Schizophrenia and Bi-polar is consistent while the ability to control the conditions (historically, often without medication I might add) is in decline. This sounds harsh and implies that the victims of these conditions need to “suck it up and deal.” That is expressly NOT my point. These individuals are not equipped, via a childhood/lifetime of consistent education and conditioning, to have the mechanisms for success against such devastating conditions. (They can have success with therapy, reparational education and medication)

A parallel is evident with this bullshit discourse about homosexuality “running rampant,” and being “on the rise.” Fifty years ago, if you were gay you either dealt (coped) with it internally, moved to one of the few cultural centers with more accepting standards, spent your life in clandestine liaison, or you killed yourself. I am being overly simplistic but for many people, the choices were literally this limited, if only in their own minds. Most often people simply coped with the problem their natural inclinations forced upon them. I would like to clarify that I am in no way saying that homosexuality is a disease or an abnormal condition, only that the mechanism to cope were most assuredly required in order to function in an intolerant (and often violent) society. That homosexuality is “on the rise” simply reflects a social shift, not the increase in a “condition” that therefore must have an external cause.

Many historical figures have, in retrospect, been suspected of Bi-polar or schizophrenia. Sam Houston, for example, was probably bi-polar. The point is that despite their condition, they found ways to function because they were taught how to tap inner straight, focus, and galvanize necessity as part of their basic upbringing. The inability to cope is a fundamental problem facing our society today. We lack grit and it is a dangerous position to find ourselves in. But that is a much larger dialogue.


26 March, 2006 11:56  

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